Homecoming 2013

Announced by Beverly McGhee on July 19, 2013

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The 3rd Sabbath in August is Home Coming Sabbath at Capitol City SDA Church! I (Kelli Angus) was asked to assemble a choir small or large to render two selections for Home Coming Sabbath. If it is your desire to use your vocal talents to be a blessing to others that day, I invite you to minister with me. Remember, this is ministry for all of us!

If you haven’t noticed, the signs of the times are rapidly happening as outlined in The Gospels and in Daniel & Revelation and it’s time to pierce hearts and touch souls and care about what others are going through so we can see each other in the kingdom. Come, minister with me. Two selections on Sabbath. Tell a friend because I am sure I do not have everyone’s phone and email address.

Look forward to seeing you at the first rehearsal Saturday August 3rd at 4pm. Bring a visitor or someone who hasn’t been to Capitol in a while.

Thank you, God Bless and Maranatha!

Kelli Angus

A righteous man falls many times, gets up; re-consecrates his life to the Lord and starts again. Are you that righteous man? Starting anew to bring honor for Lord!