Shield the Vulnerable

Announced by Beverly McGhee on January 30, 2014

Announcement from the Northern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Children's Ministry Department.

At the January Pastor’s Meetings, an introduction to Shield the Vulnerable was presented. Shield the Vulnerable is dedicated to raising the awareness and prevention of the mistreatment of the vulnerable. They work hard to accomplish this goal by training young people and adults about abuse, neglect, predators, bullying, boundaries, respect, and the perils of cyberspace.

ALL ministry volunteers who work with children or youth need to complete this screening. This is not an optional activity.

You can find access to the Shield the Vulnerable screening at

All of the volunteers can access the screening from this point or go directly to

The Northern California Conference will continue to keep in touch as they work for the safety of children in Northern California Conference. If you have questions, please contact Alice Merrill, Family and Children's Ministry.

Northern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
401 Taylor Blvd. | P.O. Box 23165 | Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 685-4300 |